Our future begins this year... again!
Excellence does not just happen. Be it in athleticism, the arts or business; excellence can only be attained with healthy dosages of self-awareness, honesty, ambition, and discipline. As a community of educators, Froebel Bilingual School has , since its inception, always valued and strived for excellence. That is why since 2001, our institution has submitted itself to the rigorous process of self-improvement as outlined by Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools. Â
Froebel Bilingual School is accredited by this prestigious organization. What does that mean? Let us explain. Accreditation in the field of program evaluation, institution evaluation, or the granting of a professional degree is a judgment made by two teams: the institution and an accrediting association. Accreditation can be defined as the expression of a group of impartial people who are experts in the field to be accredited. It means that an educational institution has been investigated, evaluated and a decision has been reached regarding its status.
Since 1871, Middle State Association has been a nonprofit association dedicated to educational excellence through assessment and accreditation. It is known around the world for promoting quality and ensuring improvement in education. Accreditation encourages and facilitates school improvement in a variety of ways.
·       It fosters excellence in a school.
·       It provides a systematic process for the school to establish a vision for its future.
·       Accreditation examines the entire school: philosophy, goals, community, programs, services, facilities, and financial stability.
·       It provides ways to manage change through assessment, planning, implementation, and re-evaluation.
·       It helps the school to set priorities.
·       Through self-study, areas of strength and areas of weakness are identified.
·       It helps to ensure continuity of experiences.
·       Provides excellent growth for the institution's staff.
·       Validates the integrity of a school's program to the public.
The benefits of being accredited by MSA include:
·       It can receive federal funds.
·       No graduate of a non-accredited institution can practice their profession.
·       The prestige of the institution can advantageously compete for federal proposals.
·       There are no national standards for accreditation.
Many good schools or colleges are not accredited. This may be because they have not applied, because they do not believe in the process, or because they are too new to be evaluated. Many schools that are not so good claim to be accredited, but it is by associations that are not recognized or created by themselves.
Froebel has already started its process of reaccreditation this year. The reaccreditation procedure selects its evaluation parameters according to the goals necessary for the success of the program or the institution. The parameters or standards are sent to the institution requesting reaccreditation and with these the institution carries out a self-study which it will have to send within a specific time to the accrediting association. The accrediting association will send a team of representatives to review the conditions of the institution considering its standards, and to compare and validate the self-study next October 2025.
As we move into the future, the reassessment of our focus and goals continues gaining relevance and validation as Froebel strives to serve our community better today, tomorrow, and beyond. That is why we humbly submit ourselves to the MSA reaccreditation process. As new developments occur during the year we’ll keep you informed.